USD Market
Time Horizon

Pattern Width

Identifies patterns in market data that are recurring, evolving, and anomalous. Select any USD market over a day, week, month, or year to see what patterns emerge.

Below the chart are the different patterns shown as colored boxes. They can be hovered over or clicked on.

The different pattern types are:

  • Recurring patterns (P): Patterns that repeat over time (green and blue)
  • Anomaly (A): The most anomalous pattern (red)
  • Chain links (L): Patterns that evolve over time (purple)

On larger screens, the patterns can be examined in more detail on the right-hand side of the chart: Instances of recurring patterns are overlaid to make it easy to see how similar they are, while evolving patterns are stacked on top of each other to visualize their change over time.

The Pattern Width setting defines the width in data points (i.e. close prices) of the patterns that the algorithm looks for.

Please note that sometimes there may not be enough data for a particular market to be included in the analysis, either because the selected Time Horizon is longer than the listing period, or because the data itself is simply too sparse.